Sunday, March 24, 2013

Quantity versus Quality

               We have all that phrase before but just what is more important Quantity or Quality. I believe that when it pertains to golf we should all strive for Quality, every time we tee up a golf ball we should be focused on the moment at hand. Being a golfer with a disability every round that I do get to play is a round I wasn't suppose to able to play in the first place. I have to learned to take advantage of that opportunity mainly because it could be taken away at any time. I have a whole new respect for the game and the challenges that come with it. When I was healthy I tried to play as much as I could but like so many of us I got caught up in the Quantity aspect . I always had the mindset that there would always be a next time to maybe try a little harder ,well now that I am faced with a different reality; I often wish could go back and start all over again. But as we all know in life or in golf it just doesn't work that way.
               This is why a created this blog, to be able to share my thoughts and views not only on golf but the Quality of Life. When I was laying in a hospital bed and was not able to move my arms or legs it opened my eyes to a whole new view of life itself. Everything that I thought was so important or worried I would not achieve just melted away. I now know that it is not the Quantity of Days in Life but in the Quality of How We Choose to Live them.   

Monday, March 11, 2013

I saw this picture on a Blog Posted By (Susan Lewis) (Public on Google)



          They say A Picture Paints A Thousand Words “ well this one says a    whole lot more. I borrowed this one from a fellow blogger only because it follows so much of what I am trying to get across here.How can anyone complain when they hit a bad shot, miss a putt or even complain about little aches and pains. If somebody can show me the quit in these children then I am really missing the big picture. Another thing that I see is that no one else is in the picture making them line up to race they seem to waiting for someone just to start the race.
         It should teach us all a few lessons, the first is to learn to adapt , the second is to not give up, the third is don't look for excuses find solutions. Does it really matter who will win the race? I see nothing but them all winning and thats just for the courage to step up to the line. I'll even bet that if one of them were to fall they would find a way to get up and finish the race anyway they could. My dad once told me that “ In Order to Truly Understand Winning You Have To Lose Firstbut when I look at this picture I only see Winners.
         So the next time you think you are having a bad day remember this picture and I hope you will truly think it over again. Remember that golf is but a game that we play for enjoyment and to challenge ourselves. If you see this picture that way then you are on your way to winning no matter what you score.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

                          GPS Units And Rangefinders

               Today I would like to open the discussion on the introduction of Golf GPS Units And Rangefinders into today's game. I am sure that everyone out there has heard of these or had the chance to try them. A few of my local courses even have them mounted in the carts. They take all the guess work out of just how far you are from the green ,where the pin is located on the green and even distance front and back of the green. I have even seen some units that show the green with elevations so you know what to expect before you even step on the green. Sandtraps and water hazards are shown in detail so you know the distances front and back and can easily pull the right club every time. One of the biggest advantages of these units is they certainly do speed -up the game .
                Rangefinders on the other hand use a laser that you point at a specific target on the course,such as the flag on the green, the yardage to the front of the trap then point to the back of the trap and so on. They also take the guesswork out at the practice range as you know just how far you hitting each club on any given day as long as you have someone tracking where the ball lands. They also are very accurate and some of the newer units also incorporate a screen like a GPS Unit so you get the best of both worlds. And with the popularity of Smartphones you can purchase an app that uses the phone as a golf GPS unit, I have even seen some apps that you use the camcorder on the phone to help analyze your swing. No matter which way you decide to go you cannot go wrong.
               Can you imagine what some of our golf hero's like Bobby Jones, Sam Snead, Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson, Seve Ballesteros,and many more could have accomplished if they had this technology today. Back then they had to rely on a good caddy and just plain ole instinct. They also relied on notes from previous tournaments and practice rounds as well as just a pure understanding of their capabilities and knowledge of the game. I truly believe that if they had what is available today they would have set records that no one could break.
               And now this is where I like to turn from golf and get back to my comparison of it to life. As I used the comparison of our golf hero's and today's technology wouldn't it be nice if we had a way to use it as guide in travels in life's path. To know just how far that trap or hazard is just how we could navigate around them or just to see them coming and prepare for what follows. But in life it doesn't work that way , we have to use our instincts and use good judgment and most important trust in them as a guide down life's path. Even with the best technology available today we will make mistakes sometimes we should just trust ourselves.